
EYFS - St Bernadette


Summer Term Newsletter April 2024

All Things Bees - May 2024

Mr Maddison is a Beekeeper and he came to tell us about keeping bees and answered our questions.  He brought in a hive with a roof, a smoker and protective clothing to wear.  The honeycomb he brought in was delicious on toast!

Beekeeping efys may 24 Beekeeping efys 5 may 24

Beekeeping efys 6 may 24 Beekeeping efys 4 may 24  

Thursday 14th March 2024

St Bernadette Mudchute Farm Visit – 12th March 2024

St Bernadette Class went to Mudchute Farm on 12th March, it was an
exciting adventure for us because it was our first school visit.

When we got to the Farm, Farmer Tom was waiting for us. He told
us about how important farming was, and showed us how to feed the
animals. He told us interesting facts about the animals. He had lots
of funny stories to tell us. We were so lucky to see ducks, lamas,
goats, sheep, pigs and cows.

Sadly, our visit was cut short by torrential rain (the animals took
shelter and hid in their homes). Nevertheless, we have happy
memories of our time on the farm.

Img 1868 Img 1873




The Church

The theme for Reception class this term is ‘The Church’. We have
been talking about the Church being the people who believe in God
and the Church being the physical building. This week we went to
Our Lady of Grace Church and saw a lot of the things we have heard
about; crucifixes, pews, the holy water font, the Paschal Candle, The
Tabernacle and The Sanctuary Lamp. Some children were moved to
pray whilst being in the Church. It was a good first visit, to our
schools Church, for Reception.

Eyfa church 2 Eyfa church 1


Bee Workshop 

In EYFS this term we have been learning about minibeasts.  Mr Maddison came into school to tell us all about Bees.  He is a beekeeper and he brought in a hive, smoker and protective clothing.  Mr Maddison answered our questions, we now have a better understanding of bees.  ‘Bees make honey, bees eat nectar’.

Beeworkshop 1 Beeworkshop 2

Beeworkshop4 Beeworkshop 3


Dentist Visit

Last week in Reception we were very lucky to have a special visit from Dr. Nikitis. He gave the children lots of great advise to keep their teeth healthy and strong. The children got to explore some teeth and learnt how to brush them correctly. Dr Nikitis then gave them all a new toothbrush and toothpaste so they could carry on the good work.


Woodland Farm Visit

In Reception this term, our core texts have been Superworm and What the Ladybird Heard.  These books have minibeast and farm animals as characters. So, we have been learning about minibeasts and farm animals.  On the 10th of May 2022, we went to Woodland Farm Trust.  We were careful when rolling logs to not hurt the mini beasts we found, we looked in the pond and saw tadpoles and pond skaters.

                                              Wood farm 1

In the farm, the sheep had lambs, but the most popular animals for children to draw were the chickens eating their seeds and pigs in their stys.   The children were amazed at the size of the pigs.  We had a lovely day, but we were all very tired and happy at the end of our farm adventure.

              Wood farm2         Woodfarm3


Animal Show

In Reception we had an Animal Show. We learned about different insects and reptiles from around the world. We looked at the stick insects, millipedes, a tarantula, the bearded dragon and different species of snakes. We talked about their characteristics, the food that they eat and where you would be able to find them in the wild. We learnt the difference between insects and spiders and we now know that an insect has 6 legs and a spider has 8 legs. All of the children enjoyed learning about the different creatures and some were even brave enough to hold and feel them. 

Animal show eyfs 24  Animal show eyfs 30

Animal show eyfs 33  Animal show eyfs 28


London Fire Brigade

The London Fire Brigade came to visit our school. We talked about what the different parts of the fire engine are called and what they do. We discussed the uniform that the fire fighters wear to keep themselves safe. We pretended to be junior fire fighters and we role played putting out a fire. The most important thing we learnt was that if we have an emergency we should call 999 and person called an operator will give us the help we need.

Eyfs fire talk  Eyfs fire talk 2