Year One
Newsletter – St David’s & St John Bosco
Spring Term
Dear Families
Welcome back! We would like to wish you a very happy new year. We hope you all had a
lovely and restful Christmas and on behalf of the Year 1 team, we would like to thank you all
for your very generous gifts and warm wishes.
During our RE lessons this term we will be looking at what it means to be a member of a
family. We will learn what happens when we join God’s family through the Sacrament of
Our English learning this half term will be about instructions text and diary entries. We will
be practising the skills to write our own instructions and follow them and also read and write
diary entries. As always, there is still a focus on cursive handwriting, punctuation and
Reading continues to be a priority in Year 1. Children should be reading at least 3 times a
week. Every Wednesday, the book which your child has been reading in class will be
uploaded onto the eCollins platform. Likewise, library books will be changed on Mondays,
Wednesday and Fridays. When you have read with your child, please write a comment in
their Reading Records. Children should be able to carefully blend (put the words together)
and segment (chunk up the words) when reading words they find tricky.
During our maths lessons the children will be continuing to refine their subtraction and
addition skills, but we will be working with numbers up to 50. We will also begin to explore
and measure length, height, weight and volume.
Homework will still be handed out weekly on Friday and should be returned by Tuesday.
Children will continue to have a weekly spelling test, which they should practise for at home.
We will continue to provide the children with a maths worksheet, which will recap what they
have learnt in school that week and a comprehension task. Please ensure children attempt
the homework independently with assistance where required.
Our main P.E. lessons remain on a Thursday morning in St David’s and Friday morning in St
John Bosco and taught by our P.E. specialist Mr M Maher. This term, P.E. will be indoors
focusing on developing gymnastics skills. Please ensure children have a full P.E. kit in school
for Friday’s lesson. This includes a black/navy tracksuit, white school t-shirt, black
plimsolls/trainers and socks. The full P.E. Kit should be labelled with the child's name.
In DT this term we will be focusing on different mechanisms. We will be exploring sliders,
hinges, brackets, folds and joins. Our final project is to create and evaluate a moving
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to come and see one
of the team. It can be a little difficult to talk in the mornings as the children are coming in,
but we are more than happy to arrange a mutually convenient time. This can be done by
asking us or by contacting the school office.
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Abdul and Mrs Perera
Class Teachers
Dear Parents,
We hope you have all had an enjoyable and restful Easter break and that you are looking forward to the busy summer term ahead.
We will be revisiting a lot of familiar concepts this term to consolidate and build upon your child’s learning as well as taking on plenty of new and exciting challenges and activities.
Our religious topics for this term are resurrection and miracles.
In Maths, we will be introducing multiplication and division by counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. The children will be sharing and grouping numbers into equal groups. We will also be looking at fractions and how we split objects and numbers into half and quarters.
In English there will be an emphasis on the children becoming more confident with the skills they have been introduced to, as well as supporting them with spellings and grammar to become imaginative and creative writers. As you are aware, the Phonics Screening Check will take place later in the summer term. We will be sending home extra resources to support your children with their blending and segmenting skills.
Life in the city will be the focus of our learning in Geography. In Science we will take a look at Materials and Plants. The Resurrection, along with other faiths, will be explored in R.E.
P.E. will be on Fridays during the summer term but please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them in school every day, as additional opportunities for P.E. can and do arise. Please clearly label every item of clothing, including socks and plimsolls!
Thank you for supporting your child in becoming a confident and enthusiastic reader by reading with them every day. Reading books are changed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Please note that reading books and red reading record books should always be kept in your child’s book bag – the adults in our classroom read with the children at least once a week. Please be reminded that you too must sign the red reading record books when you share a book with your child at least three times a week.
Homework will continue to be sent out on Friday to be returned on Tuesday. Our spelling will be on Fridays.
Many thanks for your continued support.
Miss Abdul and Miss Russell
Class Teachers