
Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic Social Teaching 

Catholic Social Teaching (CST) is the Church's way of helping us understand how to live out our faith in the world, especially when it comes to treating others with kindness and fairness. It’s based on the teachings of Jesus and the Bible, guiding us to respect the dignity of every person and take care of the most vulnerable.

There are seven main ideas in CST:

  1. Life and Dignity of the Human Person: Every person is precious and deserves respect because we are all made in the image of God.

  2. Call to Family, Community, and Participation: People are social by nature and should work together to build a supportive community where everyone can thrive.

  3. Rights and Responsibilities: Every person has basic rights, like food, shelter, and education, but we also have a responsibility to make sure others' rights are protected.

  4. Option for the Poor and Vulnerable: We should give special care to those who are most in need, like the poor and vulnerable, ensuring they have what they need to live a dignified life.

  5. The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers: Work is important for supporting ourselves and our families, and workers should be treated fairly with good wages and safe conditions.

  6. Solidarity: We are one human family, no matter where we come from, and should stand together, helping one another.

  7. Care for God's Creation: We are called to protect the environment and be good stewards of the earth, caring for everything God has made.

At Our Lady of Grace, we teach children these values so they can understand how their faith can inspire them to make the world a better place. We want them to see injustice and feel motivated to help others, creating a society that reflects love and care for everyone.



Life and Dignity of Human Person