
Catholic Life

Our Lady of Grace is a child-centred school where children are given the opportunity and responsibility to help shape the ethos of our community. During their time at our school, they are supported to become reflective and work out what it means to live with Christ at the centre of life. Children learn to put the school’s mission statement into practice. There are many topics, discussions and question times for children to explore who they are and their place in the world. They are keen to express their ideas about their backgrounds and culture to other children and are inquisitive when listening to others.  Throughout their time at the school, they develop a capacity to praise, celebrate, and ability to listen, to give thanks, to forgive and be forgiven.  

During lessons and when interacting socially, children are always happy to share their views, ask questions and make links between the teachings of the Bible and their own daily lives. They value and respect the Catholic tradition of the school and its links with the parish communities. 

The behaviour at Our Lady of Grace is excellent and it comes naturally to our children to think of others. The school council are involved in implementing procedures to foster good relationships, for example, the behaviour policy and guidelines. When mistakes are made the pupils are encouraged to be reflective, accept responsibility and aim to live more like Christ. They are alert to the needs of others and seek justice for all within and beyond the school community. When other children succeed, their friends share their joy. 

All children participate in our distinctive Catholic community through whole school liturgies, Masses and collective worship. We have Mini VInnies who are KS2 faith leaders and support our Parish priests in preparing for Mass. All of the children in KS2 had the opportunity to submit an application to the RE lead outlining why they would be a suitable candidate for this important role at Our Lady of Grace.