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Posted on: 17/06/2024

International Day in our Summer Fayre - 29th June 2pm - 6pm

We are thrilled to deliver very good news on our activities so far and in preparation for a truly fun International Day in our Summer Fayre which will take place on 29TH June from 2pm until 6pm. Firstly, the Committee met the School Council last week where 20 minutes of our time with our children happened to be one of the most rewarding conversations for the PTA.. The Council presented to the Committee a number of needs and requests we were not aware of, and that we will sponsor in the name of the parents, teachers and friends’ community. These consist of the purchase of: • Fans for the classrooms • Chopping boards and weighing scales for cooking activities • Basketball hoops • Playground toys and shades Thanks so much to the School Council representatives for their frank and articulated interaction with Mrs Cornelia Raffeiner and Mrs Stacey Subebe, who represented the PTFA Committee. Secondly, Thanks! to the committed parents in our community who have volunteered to help in running the Summer Fayre. The Committee feared having to scale down the activities we wanted to have to make this fayre BIG! Thanks to you we will !!! We will have: • A bigger DIDI cars track, with music and fun • An ice cream van just for us • Glitter tattoos and a summer shop • Shooting games with lots of prices • A delicious BBQ food provision • An amazing art and craft stall • And dancing and singing… and more surprises. Volunteering parents will be provided with a free vouch We will be sending reminders for donations in the next two weeks as our efforts continue to thrive and deliver a joyful day. Again, if any inspired member of our community is willing to run their ideas to add to the fayre, please talk to the Committee to arrange. We will be thrilled to accommodate new activities and shows. Thanks so much in advance for your disposition and support, we are looking forward to spending the day together at the Fayre.     

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